Exploring the Impact of Co-Creation in Accelerating Social Investment and Manufacturing Innovation
The 51st Co-Creation Workshop, facilitated by Feras Naser, the founder of the Co-Creation Movement. The workshop was attended by Mousa
Exploring the Impact of Co-Creation in Accelerating Social Investment and Manufacturing Innovation
The 51st Co-Creation Workshop, facilitated by Feras Naser, the founder of the Co-Creation Movement. The workshop was attended by Mousa
Books and Courses
Feras Naser: Pioneering the CoCreation Culture for a Hopeful Future
Feras Naser: Pioneering the CoCreation Culture for a Hopeful Future Introduction: In today’s rapidly changing world, individuals who strive to
Check out technology changing the life.
Feras Naser: The Fundraising for Talents has Officially Started
Feras Naser, a passionate advocate for artistic talents and the cocreation movement, has embarked on a mission to support and